Entertainment in the making!
Why Gelato per TuttiTM?
Gelato is already famous all over the world, the gelato is one of the most consumed and successful Italian products. Gelato Per Tutti allows you to capitalize on this market with a very low initial investment. With our complete solution you will making gelato in house effortless and not to mention, with our machines they sell the gelato on their own.
Dynamic System
Minimum investment, highly profitable, a simple management and very flexible in terms of space required and communicative style. Gelato Per Tutti Bar® can fit even the smallest spaces, without the need to set a commercial kitchen or hood systems.
Thanks to its easy and user-friendly system, anyone can make the gelato, without any kind of previous training or specific skills. At the same time, Gelato Per Tutti Bar® guarantees the highest quality standards, allowing everyone to make always a fresh, creamy and absolutely tasty gelato.
A Turn Key Shop
Gelato Bar® is the perfect solution for who desires to run its own gelato chain: reduced spaces, no skills required, limited investments and a high profit.
Batch freezer, Blast Freezer and Ice Cream Showcase.
Designed to be placed at a front counter bar to dynamically create , store and display all types of fresh small batch artisan gelto while the customer watch and enjoy the experience.

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